World of Complex Fluids and Liquid Crystals
- Bordeaux, Centre de Recherche Paul-Pascal, CNRS
- Brandeis University, Complex Fluids group
- Brandeis University, Complex Fluids, Seth Fraden's group
- Brooklyn Polytechnic University, Mark Green
- Brown University, Soft Matter Theory, Pelcovits Research Group
- Carnegie Mellon University, The Center for Complex Fluids Engineering
- Case Western Reserve University, Liquid Crystals and Complex Fluids group
- Clark University, The Complex Matter and Nonlinear Physics Laboratory
- Cornell University, Itai Cohen
- Cornell University, Jim Sethna
- Dutch Soft Matter Meetings, University of Groningen
- Florida State University, Institute of Molecular Biophysics (Don Caspar)
- FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF)
- Georgetown College, Peter Olmsted
- Harvard University, Michael Brenner's group
- Harvard University, L. Mahadevan's group
- Harvard University, Vinny Manoharan's group
- Harvard University, Ron Walsworth's group
- Harvard University, Dave Weitz's group
- Institut Charles Sadron in Strasbourg
- Institut Curie, Paris, Jacques Prost's Biophysics group
- International Liquid Crystal Society
- Internet Pilot To Physics
- Kent State, Ohio, The Liquid Crystal Institute (ALCOM)
- Jülich Forschungszentrum, Jan Dhont
- Konstanz, Georg Maret
- Konstanz, Rudolf Klein
- LSU, Paul Russo
- Max Planck Institute for Colloidal and Interfacial Research
- Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
- McGill University, Derek Gray, Cellulose Research
- MIT, George Benedek
- Moscow State University, Alexei R. Khokhlov
- Nagoya University, Masao Doi
- NASA, Complex Fluids
- National Institute of Health, Structural Biology
- National University of Mexico, R. Castillo's group
- New York University, Paul Chaikin
- Northeastern University, Mark Williams' group
- Orsay, Pawel Pieranski
- "Otto-von-Guericke-Universität" Magdeburg, Pattern Formation in Liquid Crystals, Magnetic Fluids and Granular Materials Rehberg group
- Pennsylvania State University, Andrew Belmonte
- Princeton University, Bill Russel
- Princeton University, Dudley Saville
- Princeton University, Howard Stone's group
- Purdue University, Paul Dubin's research
- Simon Fraser University, John Bechhoefer's group
- Simon Fraser University, Barbara Frisken's group
- South Bank University, London, Water structure and behavior Martin Chaplin. Don't throw out the baby with the bath!
- Southampton Liquid Crystal Institute, The
- Stanford University, Environmental Complexity Laboratory
- TU Delft, Theo Odijk
- UCLA, Complex Fluids
- UCLA, Robijn Bruinsma
- UCSB, Complex Fluids
- UCSB, Cyrus Safinya
- UK Polymer Colloids
- Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, Le Laboratoire de Dynamique des Fluides Complexes
- University of Bristol, Jeroen van Duijneveldt
- University of Bristol, Mike Allen and the Molecular Simulation Group
- University of British Columbia, 3-D Confocal Microscopy
- University of Calgary, Laurie's Colloid & Interface Science Page
- University of Cambridge, Polymers and Colloids group
- University of Chicago, David Grier's group
- University of Chicago, Granular Physics
- University of Chicago, Tom Witten's group
- University of Colorado, Noel Clark's group with many liquid crystal links
- University of Connecticut Health Center, Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling
- University of Delaware, Chemical Engineering (Furst, Kaler, Lenhoff, Wagner)
- University of Edinburgh, Wilson Poon
- University of Maryland, John Weeks
- University of Manchester, Confocal Microscope facility
- University of Manchester, Liquid Crystal Group, England
- University of Michigan, Alexander Grosberg
- University of OxfordLiquid Crystal Technology group
- University of Pennsylvania, Doug Durian's group
- University of Pennsylvania, Andrea Liu
- University of Pennsylvania, Randal Kamien and the Soft Condensed Matter group
- University of Surrey, Richard Sear
- University of Utrecht, Alfons van Blaaderen
- University of Utrecht, Marjolein Dijkstra
- University of Utrecht, Rene van Roij
- University of Utrecht, Van 't Hoff Laboratory
- University of Washington, Sarah Keller's group
- University of Waterloo, Jeff Chen
- University of Wisconsin, The Yethiraj group
- Wageningen University, Physical Chemistry and Colloid Science
- Weizmann Institute of Science, Complex Fluids
- Yale University, Chinedum Osuji's group
- Yale University, O'Hern group
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